The preservation of our resources

The preservation of our resources

The preservation of our resources

Honduras a country that owns an enchanting nature of untouched jungles, live reefs, abundant rivers, beautiful beaches and sites, which form an ecosystem of different species of flora and fauna. Within that environmental frame we are informing you about the ecological aspects of the Bay Islands, where, preservation, conservation and environmental control has turned out to be a preponderant consequence for the development of tourism. In the Bay Island communities there are environmental organizations such as: BICA(Bay Islands Environment Control Association) and other government entities which help care and preserve our environment. We expect every human being to contribute with good customs and habits by avoiding:

Touching the live corals, because they can be damaged.
Extracting coral reef which is prohibited and banned.
Not anchoring vessels on the rocks or corals in the sea; only buoys in the sand and mud mire at the bottom of the sea are allowed.
Harpooning which is ilegal.
Throwing residue or garbage in the sea, especially those products that cannot be degraded biologically.
Buying plants or animals which are banned.
Limiting the use of plastics, or similar products because they are not degradable.
Discarding garbage in an adequate way and to recycle it if possible.
Disturbing wild fauna by reckless hunting.
Destroying our forests and their wildlife (flora and fauna).
Destroying our sea faun and flora. Let us all unite in order to protect them.

Others Suggestions

Don't hunt or fish in areas where it prohibited.
Don't leave garbage on the beach or cays after picnics, take it away and destroyed it.
Don't light or build fires on public and private areas without a permit.
Don't take coral from the barrier reef, or archeological stones or artifacts, it is prohibited by the Honduran government.
Don't hunt with guns where people circulate.
For any information or consulting matter on the invirornment, reserves zones, tourist developments and others, please contact BICA and Instituto Hondureño de Turismo.

The preservation of the world's environmental ecosystem is the biological hope of the human race, that is why we should unite together in a difficult and delicate mission to help to preserve, and to control our precious atmosphere which will be a very healthy inheret that we can provide to our future condescendences.

To conserve our barrier reef we should follow these indications, because:

The coral reef protects our coastline from erosion and high seas.
The coral reef, if well preserved, attract the tourists curiosity.
The underwater beauty of our island is a legacy to preserve.
For coral to grow, it is a slow process, the coral reef is a very important but fragile element of our environment.

How to protect our coral Reef?

Abstain from dumping garbage into the sea.
Avoid spear gun fishing on the reef.
Avoid the use of coral rock on constructions, and don't damage it when you dive or anchor, use buoys for these purposes.
Preserve the mangrove area, because they protects the reef filtering the water, helping the preservation of eggs and small fish, and to maintain the feeding zones.
Preserve the woods to avoid muddy rain water running from damaging our barrier reef.