Roatan East End
The hidden paradise of Roatan
Santos Guardiola is a municipality located on the island of Roatán, Bay Islands in the Republic of Honduras. According to the official census of 2001, it has a population of 7,625 inhabitants. Its territorial extension is of 64,6 Km² and limits to the North, South and East by the Caribbean Sea and West with the municipality of Roatán. Currently it is also popularly called as Roatan East End.
The municipality was created by Presidential Decree, issued in the year of 1960; the name is carried in honor of Brigadier General José Santos Guardiola Bustillo, constitutional President of Honduras from 1856 to 1862.

Visit Santos Guardiola Communities
Some of the communities of Roatan East End are: St. Helene, Port Royal, Camp Bay, Diamond Rock, Oak Ridge, Calabash Bight, Jones Ville, Jonesville Point, Long The Shore, Polytilly Bight, Punta Gorda (Garifuna Culture and oldest settlement in Roatan), Juticalpa, Milton Bight, Six Huts, Filders Bight, Blue Rock, Second / Firts Bight.